Admission The triple-star dynamics

The triple-star dynamics in selecting and forming students, the primary stakeholders, sets IIFC stand apart:

1. The morning star phase – identifying raw and original talents across the districts of Thamizh Nadu, with an unequivocal commitment to privileging the economically and socially underprivileged;

2. The guiding star phase– providing a conducive ambience to nurture and refine their cine-tech and life-skills;

3. The super star phase – making them emerge eventually as ‘serious entertainers’ technically, creatively, ethically empowered to produce wholesome and healthy,commercially viable and aesthetically appealing entertainment.


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The eligibility criteria

  • Educational Qualification: Candidates who have completed 12th Standard and belong to any group in science or commerce can apply. (Students who have completed diplomas after the 10th are not eligible)
  • Age Limit: Should have completed 12th in 2024 or must be pursuing 12th. No Gap year allowed. 16 - 19 years.
  • Geo-Cultural Background: Thamizh-speaking + from Thamizh Nadu (preferably one per district)
  • Socio-Economic Preferability: socially, economically underprivileged; first generation learners
  • Five-Step Selection for 100% Grants: Initial Scrutiny, Written Test, Academic Interview, Professional Interview, and Home Visit
  • Total Intake: 35-40 Students (one from each district)

    10th certificate details

    11th certificate details

    12th certificate details

    Other details